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Webinar on Cloud Payment Processing. Ready to watch?

Written by Svetlana Konakova | September 16, 2019

To access the recorded webinar, please register through the form below.

Enfuce is Finland’s biggest fintech startup by revenue and a global cloud payment services provider. They are ­­now onboarding five customers of various sizes, and at various stages from certification to production. Enfuce offers B2C and B2B credit, debit and prepaid cards, multi-currency schemes, tokenization, instant payments and more in the cloud. These products are powered by OpenWay’s WAY4 system.

OpenWay has recently won a PayTech award as “Best Solution Provider for Payment Systems in the Cloud”. Its WAY4 payment software system is cloud-agnostic, meaning it can be deployed in Oracle Cloud, AWS, Microsoft Azure and other private or public clouds.

This webinar can help payment startups and established players to keep their cloud-related expectations high and realistic at the same time. The agenda will highlight five “S”s as priorities in cloud payments:

  • Speed-to-market: 7 days for green-field products, 6 weeks for a migration

  • Selection of proven payment innovations from all over the world

  • Scalability of your client portfolio from size S to XXL

  • Security & compliance: global PCI-DSS, PSD2, GDPR, HSM location flexibility, and more

  • Saving costs of IT maintenance and payment business operation

Meet the speakers