Webinar on Cloud Payment Processing. Ready to watch?

Enfuce and OpenWay jointly hosted a webinar on cloud-based payment projects for banks, processors and fintechs. Speakers shared an award-winning case, and tips on creating a checklist for building a successful issuing or acquiring business in the cloud.  

To access the recorded webinar, please register through the form below.

Enfuce is Finland’s biggest fintech startup by revenue and a global cloud payment services provider. They are ­­now onboarding five customers of various sizes, and at various stages from certification to production. Enfuce offers B2C and B2B credit, debit and prepaid cards, multi-currency schemes, tokenization, instant payments and more in the cloud. These products are powered by OpenWay’s WAY4 system.

OpenWay has recently won a PayTech award as “Best Solution Provider for Payment Systems in the Cloud”. Its WAY4 payment software system is cloud-agnostic, meaning it can be deployed in Oracle Cloud, AWS, Microsoft Azure and other private or public clouds.

This webinar can help payment startups and established players to keep their cloud-related expectations high and realistic at the same time. The agenda will highlight five “S”s as priorities in cloud payments:

  • Speed-to-market: 7 days for green-field products, 6 weeks for a migration

  • Selection of proven payment innovations from all over the world

  • Scalability of your client portfolio from size S to XXL

  • Security & compliance: global PCI-DSS, PSD2, GDPR, HSM location flexibility, and more

  • Saving costs of IT maintenance and payment business operation

Meet the speakers

Monika Liikamaa is the Co-Founder and Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) at Enfuce Financial Services, the world’s first level 1 PCI DSS compliant cloud-based service provider approved by the Finnish FSA. Monika’s visionary thinking, and experience of the fast-paced payment industry has enabled Enfuce to integrate solutions for their customers in record breaking time. Building sustainable payment solutions is a core value for the company, and with Monika’s wide knowledgebase of the industry nothing is impossible. Being future focused and collaborating with other industry experts is in Monika’s mind the recipe for success. A business is nothing without a great team of people, and that is why Monika has gathered industry experts around her both as co-founders and as employees for Enfuce. Enfuce is now one of the fastest growing Fintech companies in Finland and Northern Europe.
Julian Farley is OpenWay’s Head of New Business, with more than 15 years of experience in the payment industry. Based in the UK, he travels frequently to customers worldwide and consults them on the benefits of new technology and different deployment models. Julian worked closely with Enfuce, Finland’s biggest fintech startup, contributing to their launch of award-winning cloud-based payment processing services in 2018.  Prior to joining OpenWay, Julian specialized in e-commerce payments security, end-to-end payment system testing and best practices for migrating from legacy to modern infrastructure. When not working, Julian often rides cross country on a mountain bike and enjoys staying away from roads, even if it means adding miles to his trip.

To get access to the webinar recording, please fill in the form below: