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OpenWay at Merchant Payments Ecosystem: 7 Strategies to Increase Acquiring Profitability and Make your COO Happy

Written by Svetlana Konakova | July 1, 2022

Our insights are the result of researching the best practices of many successful acquirers, including our clients. For a taste of what’s to come, here are two of those seven strategies:

  • Expanding into new business or regions. In doing so, businesses often inherit a jumble of legacy platforms. Modern acquirers need a single universal platform, adaptable to all the diverse elements of various markets. This is especially relevant to onboarding, multi-currency, risk rules, and special services.
    • Featured client cases: Finaro, a global acquirer recently bought by Shift4, the payments partner of SpaceX; and Nexi, serving over 1,000,000 merchants on pan-European scale.
  • As it develops, e-commerce should cover both online and physical journeys. How do you remove the blurred line between them and make a unified whole? The COOs of many companies vote for omni-channel, a unified data model, and a unified set of business rules to provide the best customer experience anywhere, one that considers the specifics of each channel and their combinations.
    • Featured client cases: Halyk Bank became the leader in their market in POS, then in e-commerce, and finally in SME – all on a single Way4 platform.

Our speaker: Sophocles Ioannou, Business Development, Europe and Latin America. He is also a featured guest in the panel discussion entitled “Omnichannel: the new normal”. Finaro is part of this session too!

When and where:

  • July 6, Wednesday, 4:45 PM – 5:45 PM

  • Session 5: Track THREE / Room: Potsdam lll

OpenWay at booth W24: meet our dynamic team to discuss your merchant acquiring business, and the strategies and payment innovations that would suit your needs. See you there!