Nets Migrates to Way4 Issuing to Advance its Bank Customers Card Business

Arnold Sneijers, SVP, Nets at OpenWay Club 2017
CMS migrations completed for multiple banks in 3 countries. Nets and its migrated banks have successfully passed PCI audits on Way4. The largest migrated customer portfolio consisted of over 1 million cards.

Nets, the household name in Scandinavian payment processing, is on-boarding Nordic issuer portfolio’s in credit cards and sales finance onto Way4, the e-payment processing framework developed by OpenWay. Card portfolios of five banks in Finland, Norway and Denmark are already being processed on Way4 and soon also the migration in Sweden will be completed. For now the payment transactions of more than half (52%) of credit cards in circulation in Finland are processed through Way4. Since the platform adheres to the highest security standards, the processor and the migrated banks were able to pass PCI audits smoothly and in time. More issuers are set to follow as part of the large-scale migration process.

Innovative payment services are in strong demand among an increasingly tech-savvy and mobile Nordic population. In-sourcing portfolio’s from legacy systems to the modern Way4 platform allows Nets to operate its consumer issuing business cost-efficiently, as well as to attract new banks by offering the latest value propositions in self-service, sales finance and increase the profitability of the banks. 

Way4 card management functionality covers flexible rule-based consumer account management and product pricing, online risk management and comprehensive accounting. Nets has also implemented additional software modules, such as Way4 Web-based Workbenches, Way4 Instalments, and Way4 Debt Collection. 

The OpenWay team enhanced the Way4’s Datamart solution to support Nordic requirements. Datamart serves to generate statutory reports for government authorities and customized interactive reports for analysis of card business profitability – by products, time periods, financial institutions and other parameters. 
The single largest activity on the project was the simultaneous migration of over 1 million cards onto the portfolio.

Arnold Sneijers, SVP, Nets comments: “These migrations are one of the largest that we have embarked on with an outside partner in recent times, involving the full life cycle of credit cards and with significantly large volumes. Way4 was chosen for its flexibility and proven record of payment innovations. It supports Nets’ bid to cater for every possible need of our customer banks. We are sure that every bank will benefit from cost-effective development of their consumer business in credit cards and sales finance and better time-to-market.”

Maria Vinogradova, Director of Strategy & Marketing Intelligence, OpenWay, adds: “OpenWay is proud to back up Nets’ ambition to remain one of the leaders and innovators of European processing. With more banks in the queue, our team is committed to ensuring seamless migration for each of them, and to strengthening their portfolio with value-added payment services”.